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This classic toy always fascinates the
kids and never fails to sell

The real “secret” to a long-spinning top is symmetry — if it isn’t balanced, it won’t spin for long! Never mind all of the geometric formulas — if you drill the hole for the spindle in the EXACT center of the top body, it will spin for a long, long time.

Start by cutting out and shaping the top handle, as shown in the drawing. Next, create the top bodies. You can cut out their round shapes with your bandsaw or scroll saw — or with a hole saw. We’ve provided two body shapes for your consideration, but you can make then any shape you like. Once they’re shaped, use your drill press to bore the 3/8″ diameter holes in the center and glue the top shafts in position. Set them aside to dry thoroughly.

Next, chuck the shafts (firmly but gently to prevent creating indentations) into your drill chuck and running at slow speeds, use a piece of sandpaper (or a double-cut file, followed by sandpaper) to round everything until it’s smooth and perfectly balanced. Drill a 1/8″ hole through the shaft, as shown.

As with the Child’s Pounding Bench, you can create rich, vibrant colored tops by using non-toxic food colorings (mixed two parts coloring with one part water) applied with a brush or rag. Then apply a non-toxic seal coat such as liquid salad bowl finish, Preserve oil finish or a wax-type salad bowl finish to the tops. For durability, we recommend using stranded, nylon kite string. “Seal” each end of the string by touching it briefly to a candle or similar open flame and have some fun!

Helpful Items


Bee Good Non-Toxic Oil Finish
